Patients at parliament 2, 23/02/2018

Frame by Ben Newton

On October 10th 2017, MP Paul Flynn presented his Ten-Min Rule Bill to parliament, which to everyone’s joy, was granted permission for a second reading.

This is due to happen on Friday 23 February 2018

I will be there once again to play some relevant songs for the event, along with many other supporters from across the country.

Patients at Parliament, 10/10/2017

You can find out more here……



Jonjon Bollockbrain, Out Now!

Jonjon Bollockbrain, digital release, 07/02/2018

As Jonjon Bollockbrain and I happen to share the same birthday, it seemed only right that I release my single, Jonjon Bollockbrain, on that day. So, as Feb 7th is almost upon us, in fact, it’s only 2 hrs away at the time of writing, I’m nicely stoned, and I would imagine old Bollockbrain has downed a good few gallons of Country Choice by now, so happy birthday you old cunt, Enjoy your song!

Keith Hudson Stickers


Roll up, Roll up, (a nice big fatty), your Keith Hudson stickers are here!

Everyone loves a sticker to slap on their stash box, or rolling tray, so I had some made. The logo design was done by my good friend, Rage Sadler, frontman for the awesome UK heavy metal band, Kaine, and the original idea behind the design was based on the classic Volvo grille.

So now, as the Keith Hudson stickers are being distributed to fellow stoners around the UK, and stuck on random lamp posts, mail boxes, billboards, etc, so now, I can hopefully begin to gain some recognition as an artist who is still alive, and creep into the search engines enough for them to distinguish the diffrence  between myself, & the late Dark Prince of Reggae!

If you would like some Keith Hudson stickers, then hit me up on Facebook,

or contact me on: