Meet the Wife

Sexy bitch aint she!

I first set eyes on her around 2006, in a fantastic little guitar shop in Kenilworth, warwickshire, which was owned by a lovely bloke by the name of Mick. I was having a lttle look around, and then, boom! There she was, hanging on the wall just longing to be played, so I did, and I fell for her instantly. The beautiful tone, and that neck was just awesome! Wasn’t quite so keen on the price though, well over £400 back then, and times were hard, all I had to my name was £80, so as I had come to know old Mick pretty well by now I asked if a small deposit  would hold the guitar for me until I could raise the rest of the money, but it turned out better than that, as he wanted some paving work done at his house, and me being a landscaper and all that……

Collected a few stickers from the canna clubs.

So eventually, his patio was laid, and I had my beautiful new Samick Remington. I fucking love this guitar! She came to me at a difficult time in my life, stuck with me through it all, and was still with me even when I had lost everything! Nowadays, she helps me go out and tell my tales from these times, among other stories, and still plays, and sounds awesome!